(Scroll all the way to the bottom of the post to skip to the YouTube video.) In the previous post I filled the numerous gaps where the pieces didn’t quite line up. This post covers prepping the main aircraft body…
All posts filed under “Scale Modeling”
Battle Damaged F-4G Phantom: Part 4
In the previous post I assembled the cockpit, fuselage, wings, and the empennage. This post covers filling the numerous gaps where the pieces didn’t quite line up. (Scroll all the way to the bottom of the post to skip to…
Battle Damaged F-4G Phantom: Part 3
In the previous post I painted the crewmen and the cockpit. This post covers assembling the cockpit, fuselage, wings, and the empennage. (Scroll all the way to the bottom of the post to skip to the YouTube video.) Lessons learned…
Battle Damaged F-4G Phantom: Part 1
It was fate that my friend Nick got me a Christmas present of a smaller, simpler version of the F-4 I’m building. The Lindberg “Battle Damaged F-4G Phantom” (No. 70962) has fewer than 40 parts, way fewer decals, and has…
Review of a Similar (Hasegawa F-4J) Phantom Build
As this F-4G is my first aircraft build, I wanted to get an idea for what I should expect in terms of techniques, tools, and products. Scale Hangar 182 posted a time-lapse video of his build of the Hasegawa kit…
Putting the Adobe Premiere Elements Knowledge to Work
For this post, I get to play producer (and director, as much as our cats take direction) and practice some of the things I’m likely to use from Adobe Premiere Elements during my build. Playing around from the first post…
Video Editing in Adobe Premiere Elements
In the previous post we got started with Adobe Premiere Elements. This post is a reference of sorts to share some of the things I learned about video editing. Again, if you want to see Premiere in action, I highly recommend Kelsey…
Learning about Adobe Premiere Elements
Model building isn’t static — things come together over time not just for the pieces and components, but the overall look. As I’ve been getting back into this hobby, I’ve learned considerably from YouTube videos that show techniques for assembly…
Learning about the Camera
Models look great once assembled, but the magic happens during the action of building them. Most of what I’ve learned so far has been from watching assembly videos on YouTube, so I wanted to do the same. Selecting a model…
Setting up the Spray Booth
A new addition to my work space setup for the F-4 Phantom build is a spray booth. I first saw one on a YouTube video channel run by a professional model builder. The concept is fairly simple: Use a fan…