All posts tagged “Productivity

Leaving Toggl

I love to measure things, especially how much time I’m spending on certain activities. How much time did that sub-task take at work? How much time do I spend in the car? How long does it take me to prepare…

How to Be More Productive

This post is a summary of a Freakonomics Radio episode of the same name. Productivity means different things in different settings, and doesn’t just mean producing more widgets per hour. It’s about how to achieve your goals with less anxiety…

Productivity Process – Part 2

In the previous post, I covered the Getting Things Done (GTD) method in general terms and mentioned some systems that I use to help me focus on getting useful work accomplished rather than remembering what work I have to do. I…

Productivity Process – Part 1

Everyone has some process, even if it’s not formalized or even consistent, for doing things. In this series of posts I’ll share some insights about my method of staying productive. Image credit: Rawich The Fundamentals The basis for my current process is the Getting…