Professional Development – 2024 – Week 6

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What’s Behind Your App’s .NET Requests? (via Nick Chapsas)

  • If you want to inspect API requests but don’t need (or have access to) a full dashboard, use Rin (NuGet package). To activate add builder.Logging.AddRinLogger() and builder.Services.AddRin() in Program.cs. Inside a check for Environment.IsDevelopment() add app.UseRin() and UseRinDiagnosticsHandler().
  • To view the requests, go to localhost:5001/rin/. You can see the timeline and more information.
  • There’s also a Rin for MVC package.

The Easiest Scheduling for Your .NET Applications (via Nick Chapsas)

  • Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting (turns a console app into a hosted service)
  • Coravel— open-source package
  • builder.Services.AddScheduler() then app.Services.UseScheduler(…). From there you can use the Schedule() method to tell it what to run and how often.
  • You can encapsulate the work you want to do in a class that implements IInvocable. (This class also supports service injection, and can be added to the builder to have transient scope (for example).) Use scheduler.Schedule<TheTask>(). There’s also a .ScheduleWithParams<T> to pass down additional parameters to the class.
  • You can configure jobs not to overlap.
  • This is intended for ephemeral tasks that don’t need persistence.

Microsoft Is Abandoning C# for Rust! Now What? (via Nick Chapsas)

This is not a wholesale abandonment of C#, and it’s for Microsoft 365. The volume of requests they handle per day, even during low volume periods, is intense. They need something that scales and responds; Rust is a good tool for this. Do you need to go all in on Rust? Not necessarily, as Rust isn’t the solution to every job; in fact it’s a solution to very specific jobs.

Why .NET’s Most Ambitious Feature Might Fail (via Nick Chapsas)

There’s a difference between an experiment (i.e., Project Tye) and a proper product that has announced support. It’s also worth noting that Aspire is something for local development. There may be something cloud-oriented, and Microsoft will want you to use Azure. There are many componentized NuGet packages that, although blessed by Microsoft, are not built by Microsoft. If those other third parties decide not to work on their package, what will happen? Many of these packages are pet projects by devs, which are manageable while demand is low. However, when demand picks up those maintainers have two options (1) ask people to pay, (2) turn it into a commercial project — both of which draw backlash.


6 Questions to Ask at the Midpoint of Your Career (via HBR)

  1. What will I regret not having done or learned 10 years from now?
  2. How do I tap into my purpose?
  3. What mastery or gift have I developed that I can offer to the world?
  4. What do I want my days to look like?
  5. What trade-offs am I willing to make — or no longer willing to make?
  6. What’s getting better about my life?


How to Talk to Your Team About a Decision You Disagree With (via HBR)

  • “Barring a decision or action that is immoral, illegal, or unethical, standing behind decisions that don’t go your way is one of the most challenging things you’ll have to do as a leader.”
  • Regulate your own emotions first
  • Gather available perspectives and information
  • Show empathy without colluding
  • Explain the decision, don’t defend it
  • Teach perspective taking
  • Check in with the team

3 Types of Overthinking — and How to Overcome Them (via HBR)

  • Rumination
    • Symptoms: Fixate on negative feedback, bring up past failures to others, overly cautious to avoid mistakes
    • Overcome this by timeboxing “worry time” so it doesn’t occupy so much space.
  • Future tripping
    • Symptoms: Plan for every possible scenario, difficulty celebrating successes because you’re always focused on what’s next, feel restless because of outstanding to-do items
    • Use temporal distancing (imagine yourself beyond your current worries) and selective ignorance (reduce exposure to unnecessary stressors).
  • Overanalyzing
    • Symptoms: Procrastinate to do more research, seek out others approval because of your lack of confidence in your own analysis, can’t distinguish high- and low-priority tasks.
    • Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Define key decision criteria to make the vague more concrete.

Organizational Change

How to Stay Grounded Through Organizational Chaos (via HBR)

“There’s no stability in the world today. Change is constant, so rather than fear it, embrace it and adapt to it.” It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and unsure. Seek help from trusted people in your network, and use the change as an opportunity for introspection.