Professional Development – 2024 – Week 1

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The First Feature of C# 13 is Here! (via Nick Chapsas)

The params keyword has been around for a while, and gives you syntactic sugar to do this: Example(1, 2, 3) where the method signature is void Example(params int[] array). Traditionally it’s only worked with arrays. Now it works with most enumerable types such as spans and lists.

Why Do C# Developers Hate the var Keyword? (via Nick Chapsas)

Based on a Reddit post, the top comment indicated that Microsoft’s approach is to use the explicit type if the statement (what’s to the right of the equal sign) is ambiguous about what type it returns. A counter argument is that if you see the context following the assignment, it will be more apparent what the type is. In my opinion, many of the examples the commenter gives would be solved by better variable names. Another version that splits the difference is the new syntax: UserService userService = new().


A Simple Hack to Help You Communicate More Effectively (via HBR)

I’ve heard variations on this format, and I like this phrasing: “What, so what, now what.” The article shows how to use this format to introduce someone, answer a question, etc.


Want to Be a Better Leader? Stop Thinking About Work After Hours. (via HBR)

Basically what the title says. My issue is that I’m not just thinking about work after hours; I’m doing work after hours. Otherwise, I don’t know how I can reach my commitments and be effective despite having deferred, deleted, or delegating things.

Can Workplaces Have Too Much Psychological Safety? (via HBR)

Apparently so. The article makes good points about how psychological safety is not a yes/no value — there’s a range. Having more psychological safety is most appropriate in jobs that can take more risks; whereas other jobs (e.g., nursing) benefit more from following protocols than experimenting for the sake of experimenting.


How to Mentor More People — and Not Get Burned Out (via HBR)

  1. Divide your mentees into teams.
  2. Set expectations with mentees early.
  3. Use technology to your advantage.
  4. Brand your efforts (i.e., align them with a corporate value/pillar).
  5. Hold your organization accountable for providing the time and funding that meaningful mentorships require.