Professional Development – 2021 – Week 10

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What if we replaced elected politicians with randomly selected citizens?

Sounds like a wonderful idea, and it appears the pilot for the concept was a success. I agree that our current solution has optimized for the wrong criteria, and I may even go so far as to say that it has atrophied us as citizens such that we can no longer play an active role in our society. That is, we don’t have to worry ourselves with laws, concerns, community, etc. because it’s always some elected officials job to sort that out.


Behavior Change Science: Help Clients Stick With Their Program (via AFAA)

This course covers the basics of four behavior change strategies studied in the fitness realm: health belief model (e.g., barriers and benefits), social cognitive theory (environment impacts behavior), theory of planned behavior (attitude + norms + control), and the transtheoretical model (cycles of stages).


Financial Targets Don’t Motivate Employees (via Harvard Business Review)

  • “Financial results are an outcome, not a root driver for employee performance.”
  • I like the idea of flipping the narrative in town halls from “look how good we’re doing financially” to “look what value we’re bringing to our customers”.
  • “You cannot spreadsheet your way to passion.”


Taking a Break Doesn’t Always Mean Unplugging (via Harvard Business Review)

Here are some activities you can do to recharge without being away from your devices: get some kind of physical movement, interact with other people. challenge your brain with something different, listen to a story, declutter your environment.