All posts tagged “Software development

Summary: Developer Hegemony

I’ve had Developer Hegemony by Erik Dietrich in my library since 2015, and I’m pleased that I made time this year (2018) to giving it a thorough read. Although not part of my training docket for work, I thought I’d…

Outsider’s Architecture Review

  TL;DR — There are several benefits to you, your team, and your project by doing an end-to-end review of a “slice” of an application in which you have no prior experience. Context Our team at work has been assigned…

Domain-driven Design Concepts Reference

For my primary software project at work, the solution is structured based on concepts that are part of domain-driven design (DDD). It seems like each time I revisit the concepts, they jell a little more. Given that (1) my company will…

Cultivating Successful Development Habits

Today’s .NET Rocks! podcast featured an interview with Llewellyn Falco, who does coaching/consulting work for companies that are trying to improve their processes and techniques. There were several concepts that were worth noting, so I thought I’d create the TL;DL (too…

Generalist or Specialist

This morning I read Greg Jorgensen’s post entitled “The things you need to know to do web development” and was in awe at the dizzying array of moving pieces that are part of Web development these days. As a disclaimer, my day…

Developer as survivalist

You just got assigned to a different project, or maybe you just landed a new job. What’s your first action? With the dizzying array of programming languages, hardware platforms, tool stacks, and processes at your disposal, it’s important to keep your…