.NET What’s the Result Type Everyone Is Using in .NET? (via Nick Chapsas) Management Thriving in Chaos (via SWLW)
All posts tagged “Professional Development”
Professional Development – 2023 – Week 20
.NET 3 .NET “Best Practices” I Changed My Mind About (via Nick Chapsas) The New Way of Parsing ANY Type in .NET (via Nick Chapsas) AI Who Is Going to Regulate AI? (via HBR) This post shared some current conversations…
Professional Development – 2023 – Week 19
.NET The Biggest Lie about the .NET Logger (via Nick Chapsas) The message argument isn’t the message, but a message template. Instead of making new strings (which need to be garbage-collected) use a formatted string then pass the arguments in…
Professional Development – 2023 – Week 18
.NET The Most Confusing C# 12 Feature Yet (via Nick Chapsas) Before C# 12, you couldn’t alias primitive types such as int, int[], or int?. Now you can. What’s interesting is that you can alias tuples — using Point2d =…
Professional Development – 2023 – Week 17
.NET Move Cross-Cutting Concerns Where They Should Be in .NET (via Nick Chapsas) Note: This is specific to MediatR. You create a pipeline behavior that handles a given request with a given response. You have to add the behavior at…
Professional Development – 2023 – Week 16
Professional Development – 2023 – Week 15
.NET Why Microsoft Made Their New Frozen Collections Slower (via Nick Chapsas) From a previous video, we learned about .NET 8 having FrozenDictionary and FrozenSet that are immutable (only support reading). However, to create these read-optimized collections, you pay for…
Professional Development – 2023 – Week 14
.NET I Lied! The Fastest C# Loop Is Even Weirder (via Nick Chapsas) These approaches are unsafe; you should know exactly what you’re doing. From a previous video, for is fastest safe loop. (In .NET 8, for and foreach are…
Professional Development – 2023 – Week 13
.NET The Best .NET Mapper to Use in 2023 (via Nick Chapsas) The Problem with Time that .NET 8 Finally Fixed (via Nick Chapsas) Culture Beware a Culture of Busyness (via HBR) How to Tell If a Potential Employer Has…
Professional Development – 2023 – Week 12
.NET The Switch Keyword in C# is a LIE! (via Nick Chapsas) Technology The New GitHub Copilot X Powered by GPT-4 is Here! (via Nick Chapsas)