Tamiya Mazda MX-5 – Step 4

This step was about the rear suspension. Here’s the gallery with 19 images of this step. The shock absorbers and brake assemblies worked pretty much like the previous step. Getting things to line up was tricky because there are three…

Tamiya Mazda MX-5 – Step 3

This step was about the rear axle. Here’s the gallery with 32 images of this step. Although there were only six sprue pieces, all of them involved multiple paint colors. I also spent a little extra effort sanding off seam…

Tamiya Mazda MX-5 – Step 2

This step was about the front suspension. Here’s the gallery with 6 images of this step. This portion was fairly straightforward, although I forgot my yellow paint (did this on vacation), so I went to Michael’s and got acrylic ink….