Deep Rock Galactic Driller

A friend of mine has the Deep Rock Galactic board game that comes with multiple figures that can be painted.

Here’s a gallery with 26 pictures. (I didn’t track how long it took to complete.)

Things I learned:

  • My biggest challenge with this figure was finding reference photos. (See the last three images in the gallery linked above.) A few other painters have done this game, but it’s not as popular as something like Warhammer. The character in the video game doesn’t exactly match the board game figure either. I combined this reference video with the box art.
  • I should have used a subtler red on the lips.
  • To add some depth, I drilled (pun intended) the exhaust pipes of the drills.
  • The drill bits didn’t get much attention other than a few edge highlights of Army Speedpaint gun metal. I found the slap chop technique (black base + dry brushing white for a zenithal highlight) left them looking okay.
  • Using a chrome pen for the headlamp meant in only looks reflective from a few angles. I should have painted it white.
  • I don’t like how the pictures turned out. After watching this video about how to photograph minis without buying expensive gear I learned several things I can try next time:
    • Use white poster paper for the bottom and back.
    • Bring the figure closer to the camera (i.e., farther from the white backdrop).
    • Use a single light source from overhead and slightly in front of the figure.
    • Use a mount to stabilize the camera.
    • Increase the aperture setting.