- Dietrich Bonhoeffer said that stupidity is not primarily an intellectual issue, but more of a mental block that prevents people from thinking critically. It’s not a personal issue, but a social one influenced by propaganda, fear, and ideology.
- Examples: disinformation, conspiracy theories, blind allegiance to populists.
- People ignore self-evident truths and are swayed by power structures and group dynamics.
- Stupidity arises where people abandon their capacity for critical reflection and independent thought, often caused by fear, convenience, or desire for belonging.
- Stupidity is difficult to combat because those people believe they are in the right and fervently defend their views.
- Power + stupidity is particularly dangerous. Groups under the influence of authoritarians have a sense of security by being one of the crowd while responsibility for their actions is transferred to the leader. Stupidity is deliberately cultivated to preserve obedience and power.
- Early philosophers knew that humans are inherently social beings, and stupidity is a group phenomenon. Early humans used heuristics to navigate their environment, for example following the herd (when an individual lacks information, the safest choice is to do what others are doing).
- Solomon Asch studied the phenomenon of group stupidity, where individuals were inclined to go with the group’s choice despite self-evident claims.
- Education and reason cannot be used to overcome stupidity.
- Foster critical thinking in yourself and those around you. Question things before accepting them.
- Take responsibility by acknowledging that your actions (or inaction) have consequences. Avoid peer pressure, and act based on facts and values.
- Exercise independent thinking by not blindingly trusting authorities, and resist being swayed by trends or majority opinions.