Professional Development – 2025 – Week 1

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Writing Safe SQL Queries in .NET

There is a NuGet package InterpolatedSql which has a SqlBuilder that requires an interpolated string as an argument. It is database- and ORM-agnostic, however there is InterpolatedSql.Dapper that works specifically with Dapper.

Yes, Software Engineers MUST Know SQL

To do well in an interview, you need to ask questions to help them understand how you think through problems. Making progress in your career is about getting more rounded beyond just development skills — e.g., database, devops, cloud.


How to Reclaim Your Life from Work

Many of us tie our identity to our vocation, which you can see from the questions, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and “What do you do?” Nearly 50% of workers are burned out, and it’s clear that taking a week off doesn’t magically cure us, and things like intending to do more self care eventually break down. (1) We need to create “time sanctuaries” where work is not an option, and these require infrastructure to keep work from expanding like a gas and fill all unoccupied space. (2) These time sanctuaries should also enforce the other parts of your identity. Start small; not all wins need to be huge. (3) Join communities that don’t care what you do for work. It’s a reminder that you exist on this earth more than to produce economic value. There’s a danger in tying ourselves to work: If you are what you do and you lose your job, who are you? Not all noble work translates to a line on a resume. Ask people during introductions, “What do you like to do?”


The Responsibility Process

This book explains the differences between accountability and responsibility and why the latter is more important. There are several traps we get stuck in — Lay Blame, Justify, Shame, Obligation, and Quit — where we have more power than we think we do to escape those traps. Although the target audience is leaders, the author gives several examples of how he’s applied it to his personal life as well. I would easily recommend this book to any current or aspiring leader. See my summary notes here.