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Professional Development – 2024 – Week 38

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Stop Using FirstOrDefault in .NET | Code Cop #021 (via Nick Chapsas)

This video compares List<T>.Find() and IEnumerable<T>.FirstOrDefault(). In certain cases, primarily if you’re using .NET 8 or below, Find() is faster and doesn’t allocate any memory. However, in .NET 9 the performance of Find(), FirstOrDefault(), and even SingleOrDefault() basically perform the same thanks to optimization. This video’s take on some LinkedIn advice not to use FirstOrDefault() is technically correct, but only because .NET 9 optimized away the problem. Not everyone can just hop to .NET 9, so I think the advice of using Find() is acceptable; plus the performance different between the two was less than an order of magnitude.


How the Next Generation of Managers Is Using Gen AI (via HBR)

  • Management students are already using things like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot in their studies for things like executive tasks (summarizing, coding) and and being a thought partner (brainstorming).
  • The article outlines some examples of how companies can attract and retain talent with regard to AI applications.

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