Professional Development – 2024 – Week 33

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How to set the right goals and stay motivated (via TED)

  • Change the situation, or change how you think about the situation.
  • Forcing function — beat yourself up about not walking enough, get a dog that forces you to walk it
  • We want to be the person who has achieved the goal, not the person who’s currently trying to achieve it.
  • If you don’t enjoy it, you’re less likely to stick to it.
  • People don’t like to invest in ‘means’ — e.g., paying for parking so you can go to a bar, studying for prerequisites so you can take another class.
  • The middle problem = motivation is high when starting and high near completion, but low in the middle. Solution = make the middle short (decrease the time between start and end).
  • Get your ego out of the way
  • Seek discomfort temporarily instead of avoiding it.
  • We often have multiple goals, though. Some things can be bundled: exercise while listening to an audiobook; others cannot.
  • Anticipate temptations so you are more prepared once they come.
  • Friends and family are critical for motivation. That can mean being with others or being around others.