Professional Development – 2024 – Week 31

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The secret to finding your ideal workplace (via TED)

  • The results of the following steps vary. Although there are obvious red flags to watch for, not everyone needs/wants the same things. You need to calibrate based on what work look, feels, and should be like for you.
  • Step 1: Observe how the interview process treats you.
  • Step 2: Ask the following to the “Are there any other questions?” section of the interview.
    • What kind of people get promoted here?
    • What are the company’s core values?
    • When was the last time you received feedback?


Are You a Micromanager or Too Hands-Off? (via HBR)

  • Red flag: Your main focus is how you’re coming across as a leader.
  • Red flag: You’re redoing the team’s work…all the time.
  • Red flag: Your team’s projects are always moving slowly or people keep missing deadlines.