Professional Development – 2024 – Week 23

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Why Developers Hate “Clean Code” (via Nick Chapsas)

  • TL;DW — have a pragmatic approach to building software and don’t get so hung up on all of the mechanics.
  • Nick starts by reading a Reddit post titled “Is Clean Code Dead?” Bob Martin’s Clean {XYZ} was popular around 2012, and many people followed those books’ practices. Along with that, anyone who didn’t follow those practices were frowned upon.
  • Some managers who value speed over performance likely won’t take well to TDD. Also, some of those techniques can be dogmatic where there are rules you “must” follow or you’re “not doing it right.”
  • Many of these concepts are difficult to sustain unless everyone is following them.
  • Companies don’t hire you to write clean code; they hire you to build a good enough product. At some point it takes more effort to get additional benefit than it’s worth.
  • Nick’s training company has courses on TDD, clean code, and SOLID principles that are popular. People are taking these courses because these topics come up in interviews. Often once you get into the company, those practices aren’t followed. Also, some developers like to debate these topics just to debate.
  • It’s always about how to make the product — the rest is implementation detail.
  • It is useful to know about the concepts because elements of those techniques can be helpful.

Generative AI into ANY .NET App with SemanticKernel (via Nick Chapsas)

  • This functionality is powered by Azure OpenAI. You need to request access in Azure OpenAI Studio, and it’s not free.
  • NuGet package: Microsoft.SemanticKernel. This allows you to interface with various models, not just OpenAI.
  • The rest of the video demonstrates the classes and methods to get things set up and started.

The Blazor Competitor is Here! (via Nick Chapsas)

  • The new package is Hydro. You start with a Razor project and add Hydro as a NuGet package.
  • This works via AJAX through HTTP.
  • The example Nick shows covers how event dispatching works and how you can persist state between page refreshes.


5 Signs Your One-on-Ones Aren’t Working (via HBR)

  • You don’t want to go to the meeting. Idea: Have the other person make the agenda.
  • Your meeting always goes over time. Idea: Schedule different meetings for other topics, choose topics that can be moved to asynchronous means (e.g., Slack), look into specific topics that take longer.
  • You can’t fill the time. Help the other person feel comfortable opening up (give prompts if needed).
  • You leave the meeting deflated. Do better to protect your emotional boundaries (i.e., not be a punching bag) — for example, time-boxing venting.
  • One (or both) of you are on a second screen. Before meeting, go to a quiet place, silence your notifications, and minimize other apps.