“Repositories in .NET Only Need Two Methods!” | Code Cop #017 (via Nick Chapsas)
The code given as an example bundled repository retrieval as a predicate (e.g., Func<User, bool> predicate). The problem comes in translating that predicate into something that’s fit for purpose for the underlying data store (RDBMS, document store, etc.). Stick with having basic types as arguments to your repository methods.
Lists are Broken in .NET 9! (via Nick Chapsas)
Nick shares a post where a preview version of .NET was behaving slower on a Mac. The .NET team tried to reproduce it and couldn’t, which Nick verified on his machine (x64-windows). He then ran it on a MacBook and got the same results as the original poster (.NET is slower). Takeaway: Run performance tests on different .NET versions for the hardware you use.
Stop Using The Wrong If Statement in C# (via Nick Chapsas)
This video discusses the four common stylings of if-statements: [1] single line, [2] two lines (without braces), [3] with braces where the first is on the same line as the if, and [4] with braces where each brace is on its own line. Microsoft prefers #4; there are also rules that prefer that in the Microsoft code analysis rules. Ultimately what’s important is consistency. Nick doesn’t like #2 because a third line could be indented the same as the second; braces make the scope visibly explicit.
Mental Health
How Burnout Became Normal — and How to Push Back Against It (via HBR)
- “Regardless of age, burnout remains an urgent concern. Employees who are suffering from it — a syndrome characterized by exhaustion, negativity or cynicism toward one’s job, and underperformance — are more likely to experience sleep disturbances, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal issues, depression, absenteeism, and job dissatisfaction.”
- The article links burnout to “prolonged exposure to stressful workplace conditions” and that “fully eliminating it calls for systemic changes to organizational conditions and cultures.”
- Stress cannot be completely avoided, but there may be ways we can behave differently to get into the “optimal zone of arousal” where we’re “grounded and centered, neither overreacting to other people or life events nor failing to act at all.”
Minimum Viable Security Product (via HBR article)
Minimum Viable Secure Product (MVSP) is a list of essential application security controls that should be implemented in enterprise-ready products and services.