The Ultimate .NET Developer Roadmap in 2024 (via Nick Chapsas)
- General development: version control with Git, GitHub
- Searching: Google, ChatGPT, (StackOverflow, Copilot)
- C#: C# 12, .NET 8, .NET CLI, (.NET Aspire)
- Design principles: SOLID, DRY, YAGNI, KISS
- ASP.NET Core Basics: Web API, minimal API, routing, middleware, filters, configuration, authentication, authorization, dependency injection
- Authentication: JWT, basic auth, token auth, OAuth, cookies, (OpenID, SAML)
- Relational DB: fundamentals, SQL syntax, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, (MySQL/MariaDB)
- APIs: REST [minimal API, web API, HotChocolate], (GraphQL, gRPC)
- Object relational mappers (ORMs): Dapper, EF Core [basics, code-first, migrations, change tracking, loading modes, interceptors]
- Dependency injection
- NoSQL databases: Redis, ElasticSearch, (cloud-proprietary DBs such as AWS DynamoDB and Azure Cosmost DB)
- Caching: output, Redit
- Logging: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging, Serilog
- Messaging: Azure Service Bus or AWS SQS/SNS, MassTransit, (RabbitMQ)
- Unit testing: frameworks such as xUnit, mocking such as NSubstitute, assertions such as FluentAssertions, test data such as Bogus or AutoFixture
- Integration testing: WebApplicationFactor [TestContainers, Respawn]
- (Snapshot testing: Verify)
- (E2E Testing: Playwright)
- Performance testing: K6
- (Streaming: Apache Kafka)
- (Real-time communication: SignalR, WebSockets)
- API documentation: OpenAPI
- API SDK libraries: OpenAPI, RestSharp
- Test scheduling: BackgroundService, PeriodicTimer
- Monitoring and telemetry: OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Grafana, ELK stack
- Containers: Docker, orchestration [Kubernetes], tooling [K9s]
- Cloud: providers [Azure, AWS], serverless [Azure Functions, AWS Lambda], file storage [Azure Storage, AWS S3]
- CI/CD: GitHub Actions, build automation [Nuke], (TeamCity, Azure Pipelines)
- .NET libraries: Polly, FluentValidation, Humanizer.Core, Benchmark.NET, MediatR, Units.NET
- DevOps: infrastructure as code [Terraform]
“.NET 9 Is Killing MediatR, MassTransit & Wolverine!” (via Nick Chapsas)
.NET 9 is planning to include some kind of messaging framework, so many people have commented that there are already tools that do that (so what is to come of them?). Several commented that having Microsoft create a single standard with better abstractions with long term support. It’s also nice to know that if something breaks, it will be fixed for free by some of the best in the industry.