As a Leader, You Own Your Communications Bubble (via SWLW)
- It’s not what you say; it’s what you tolerate
- Battle the “10x bad news” tax
- Seek the truth, no matter how painful
- Blame yourself first
- Take fame last
- Be compassionate, but hold people accountable
- Integrity needs to be your middle name
Developing employees
How to Conduct a Great Performance Review (via HBR)
- The purpose of reviews is two-fold: an accurate and actionable evaluation of performance, and then development of that person’s skills in line with job tasks.
- Before the review… define the standards for evaluation, give yourself enough time to prepare, think about causes for performance (motivation, ability, etc).
- The review should have actionable, specific items (e.g., don’t say “be more strategic”). Having concrete examples of behavior (both good and bad) is more effective. Focus on behaviors within the person’s control. Ask them to respond to your feedback.
- After the review, make sure that goals are set and that there are regular check-ins for following up on those goals.
Managing up
So Your Boss Is Always Canceling Meetings Last Minute (via HBR)
- Don’t take it personally. There are many reasons for cancellations, and others are probably getting their meetings cancelled, too. (Note: I don’t quite agree. Cancelling is a direct message that your meeting is less important than whatever is now more important. A good manager will proactively come up with a solution.)
- Get the tone right; don’t be passive-aggressive.
- Start the discussion to address the issue and come up with better alternatives (different time, format, etc.).