Professional Development – 2022 – Week 6

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3 Strategies for Holding Yourself Accountable (via HBR)

  1. Enlist an accountability partner
  2. Go public in declaring and sharing goals
  3. Change your environment

Behavior change

The “New You” Business (via HBR)

Although the article’s focus is on how to use behavior change as a business strategy, it does a good job of explaining why people don’t achieve goals. One premise is that we have fractured pieces of the puzzle, and the individual is left to cobble together which pieces are needed and to generate their own motivation to put those together in the right order. A more holistic (journey) approach with guidance seems to be more effective.

Learning and development

Create Learning Pathways to Close Your Organization’s Skills Gap (via HBR)

The process around learning pathways reminds me of job crafting, where you create your own journey. This post provides a process for building those pathways. Another element that resonated with me was the concept of curation over creation; we already have so much content, so the skill is putting the existing content to better use.


4 Ways Managers Can Increase Flexibility Without Losing Productivity (via HBR)

  1. Rethink when employees work together (when to do async, when to do synchronous)
  2. Rethink who works together (coordination cost)
  3. Rethink information sharing (when updates occur and who sees them)
  4. Revisit what employees are working on (map out dependencies)


Feeling Disengaged at Work? Find Someone to Hold You Accountable. (via HBR)

I’ve used this approach before, but didn’t know it had a name: body doubling.