Professional Development – 2022 – Week 2

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The Upside of Feeling Uncertain About Your Career (via HBR)

“You hear colleagues say things like, ‘I want to make a difference’ and ‘I want to feel like my work matters,’ and privately fret, ‘Well, I want those things too, but is there something wrong with me if I don’t know exactly what that is?'” (1) Let the unknown open you to possibilities. (2) Learn to read the right signs. (3) Be foundational in defining your career. (4) Allow ambiguity to make you more adaptable. (5) Learn to live purposefully.


10 Tactics to Keep Your Meeting on Track (via HBR)

  1. Prepare your points (not just agenda) in advance
  2. Provide the purpose
  3. Guide your listeners
  4. Be ready to listen
  5. Prepare questions
  6. Keep detours brief
  7. Know when you’ve finished your point
  8. Give concise credit
  9. Help others stay on point
  10. End with a meaningful action step