Professional Development – 2021 – Week 45

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Business Structure

Making Silos Work for Your Organization (via HBR)

Silos aren’t inherently the “wrong” choice; they come with certain advantages. This article discusses how to build bridges between silos and ways to put checks and balances in place to counteract the negative aspects that silos can bring.


A Measured Approach to Making a Drastic Change (via HBR)

“Almost no job-change decision will be unilaterally good or bad — each offers benefits but comes with costs.” Lean on other people to check your decisions, or have a good decision making process to keep your cognitive biases in check. The article also mentions “one-way/two-way” decisions, where the latter is easy to undo if it doesn’t work out; don’t sweat the two-way decisions as much.

Make Learning a Part of Your Daily Routine (via HBR)

Learn from others, experiment, create a collective curriculum. Unlearn by connecting with challengers, identify habits and hold-backs, ask future thinking (propelling) questions. Relearn by stretching your strengths, getting fresh-eyed feedback, and relearning resilience.

Design Thinking

Using Design Thinking to Improve Worker Safety in Manufacturing (via HBR)

Design thinking is a human-centered process of (1) observing actual behavior and using that to invent a new future, (2) testing ideas with small changes and incorporating feedback, (3) bringing the change to life via execution. This article gives an example of how safety measures at a manufacturing facility were improved via this process instead of the standard process improvements method.