Marketing Meets Mission (via Harvard Business Review)
Brands have the ability to use marketing for social good. The author calls out a Unilever soap brand that found ways to increase hand-washing, thus reducing infectious disease. A beer brand also found a way to decrease violence against women. Behavioral change, internal support, performance measurement, external partnerships, and systemic change can help make this happen.
How to Stop the Cycle of Overachieving (via Harvard Business Review)
Many of us were raised to prize academic achievement and strive to achieve to impress our family, ethnic group, or society rather than to value things for ourselves. The guest talked about how students are extrinsically motivated for the desire for approval. What would they do if no one is judging them? “Who am I, what am I good at, let me find the intersection and go be that person.” Listen to your body and your inner voice (e.g., “This doesn’t feel right” or “I really like it when…”). Be mindful of when you are feeling these things in your body so you can get clues about what works and what doesn’t.
The Strategic Side Gig (via Harvard Business Review)
Maybe this is the direction we’re heading (and possibly it’s not healthy), but vocation seems unable to be completely fulfilled at the office. Opportunities for advancement, exposure to new experiences and relationships, and better performance at your main job are benefits achieved by engaging outside the office.
Tame Your Inbox Like an ER Doctor (via Harvard Business Review)
- Streamline communications and clarify roles. Appoint a summarizer, standardize subject lines and formats.
- Command and request clearly. Be direct and make sure loops are closed.
- Ask for clarification when you’re added to a thread.
- Build and maintain situational awareness (SBAR = situation, background, assessment, recommendation).
- Foster an atmosphere of open exchange.
Written communication is remote work super power (via Software Lead Weekly)
With many people working remotely, synchronous communication (mainly chat and video) have inefficiencies. This post outlines the benefits of asynchronous documentation.
Our book club covered the introductory section and the first chapter on building radically candid relationships.
Leading Virtually (via Software Lead Weekly)
Many leaders don’t have the experience of managing mostly remote people for such a prolonged period of time. This post mentions some other techniques (e.g., skip-level meetings, shorter work weeks, celebrating more often) to help leaders lead during difficult times.
How to Overcome Your Fear of Making Mistakes (via Harvard Business Review)
- Don’t be afraid or ashamed of your fear; rumination doesn’t help
- State your feeling out loud and be emotionally agile
- Focus on your processes (you can control systems, not outcomes)
- Broaden your thinking (e.g., afraid to fly yet driving is statistically more dangerous)
- Recognize the value of leisure
- Detach from judgment-clouding noise